Cabar Feidh Pipe Band

501(c)(3) Non-Profit Status

The Cabar Feidh Pipe Band has been registered as a non-profit organization with the Internal Revenue Service since 1988. The band performs at various events and is supported by donations and honorariums which are naturally tax-deductible. All funds received are used directly in supporting the education and training of people interested in learning the Highland Bagpipe or Scottish Snare as well as providing the basic supplies and uniforms for the band.

All of the members, officers and management participate on a strictly volunteer basis and no salaries or reimbursements are received for their time and efforts. All of your donations are used directly for the actual operations, supplies and travel costs of the organization. Taking 20+ members and competing and performing throughout the West Coast is an expensive endeavor when you consider travel and accommodations alone. Members make up the difference between donations and operating expenses out of their own pockets.

We enjoy providing a healthy, character building, educational opportunity for young and old and all donations are sincerely appreciated.

If you are interested in having the band perform at your next event, or would like to make a donation, please contact our Pipe Major at the band's e-mail address to discuss your various options.